OneWord365 – Risk

OneWord365_RiskIt seems my OneWords have been gradually building on each other since 2011 when I first chose a word for the year. My beautiful friend Alece introduced me to the concept of choosing a word for the year.

In 2011, my word was COURAGE. It held so much significance for me that I had it tattooed on my wrist. You can read about that here. In 2012, REST chose me when I was worn out and feeling like I needed to focus on giving my body a break. About half way through that year rest took a shift and became less about resting from work and more about the rest of my life. Last year, it was CHANGE and I underwent a lot of change, mostly mentally but 2014 will bring some additional changes for me (changes I feel more ready to embrace).

And now this year RISK has chosen me.

I tend to play things a little too safe, holding back, hiding from things that feel too far outside my comfort zone. I’m a planner and typically I want a plan before I make a move. There have been a few times in my life when I have stepped out on nothing but a word from God and those moments have always yielded some of the greatest rewards in my life.

So this year I want to take more risks in my life. Risking in every area, physical, emotional, and spiritual. I particularly want to take more risks relationally. I am an introvert to my core and I like my own company 🙂 Add to that my New York City upbringing and I generally keep people at a distance. This year I want to be more open to starting new friendships, either online or IRL.

So overall this year it will be all about taking Risks. The questions I will be asking myself as I face different situations is “am I playing it safe here or is this place where I need to take a risk?” Throughout the year I will be sharing about ways I am taking risks and hope that you will read along with me.

In the meantime, here’s the vision board I created for this year. I’m a little bit in love with it 🙂

2014 Vision Board_v1_cropHave you chosen a word for the year? I would love to hear about it. I also invite you over to the OneWord365 Community to share about your word and see  what others have chosen. The community that Alece has created is a supportive space and I know you will find some kindred spirits over there.

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